Totra Protect Program

Program TOTRA PROTECT is designed to protect the complex and expensive infrastructure when connecting the regions and local areas to energy resources, telecommunications and other areas of transfers of energy, signals and pulses.

Totra Protect Program

Compared to other materials, the use of polyethylene tubing occupies an increasingly important place in the telec ommunications, thanks to a number of advantages:

  • Corrosion resistance, which allows lower maintenance costs and long service life;
  • Flexibility, which allows the pipes to be coiled , fewer joints, easier and faster installation, much less sensitivity to the earth's movement and subsidence;
  • Low weight facilitates handling pipes, pipe instalation and reduces transportation costs;
  • Broad chemical resistance - good resistance to acids, alkalis and solvents.

Pipes and fittings of small diameter

Micro tubes are usually made from high density polyethylene (HDPE) with special additives and combinations of materials in mono or multi-layer structure, which qive improved system-specific characteristics that are required for a particular application. Micro tubes 12/8, 14/10, 16/12 and 18/14 are designed for direct plowing. Thin-walled tubes 7 I 5.5 and 10/8 are used for installation inside facilities.

lt is recommended that the pipes be stored in dark places or covered with an opaque film. The tubes may not be exposed to the weather or to UV radiation for more than 10 months.
